Ad Submission Guidelines

For the 2018 Directory:
Reserve your ad space by Please place your ad by by January 27, 2018.
Camera ready advertisements are due by February 10, 2018.


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Need info on ad sizes with bleeds (bleeds = ink going off the edge of the page)? We have more details for full & half page ads with bleeds here.

Preferred file formats are: PDF, tiff, or eps.
If using Adobe products to create PDF files, please look for the “PDF/X-1a:2001” option. 

File resolution: Make sure all files are at least 300 dpi and the correct ad size in inches. Please do not pull images from your website in order to create your ad – it will be “fuzzy.”

Fonts: We prefer that you rasterize or convert all fonts to outlines. If you are creating a PDF, make sure you either complete that process first or include/embed all fonts… just in case.

Compression for e-mail: Please make sure all tiff and eps files are compressed as either zip files before sending them via e-mail. Pdf files can be sent without additional compression.


Ad printouts may also be sent via mail if they are laserprint and if the ad does not contain halftones or screens:

National Co-op Directory
c/o Fascination Design
4101 Tates Creek Centre Dr. PMB 167
Lexington, KY 40517

Note about PDFs:

  • Most software now has a “save as PDF” option or “export as PDF”, please look for and use that.
  • If this is not available and you do not have any PDF creation software, we recommend using PDF995 which is a free program and is easy to use and install and there are no settings to change for our needs. It is supported by advertisements but does not contain any malware or viruses. It acts like a printer once installed so all you have to do is “print” the file, select PDF995 as your printer and voila.
    There are printing instructions after installation (you only need the printer driver and free converter, not the Edit or Signature downloads.)

And don’t forget to proof your files before sending!

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